The Rise (And Fall) Of The Prime Evil

November 25, 2021

From whence they came, none know, nor do they care - for when the being known as the Prime Evil rose from obscurity it was in a billow of darkness, with which they drowned all lands in their path.  Backed by four lieutenants, the Prime Evil conquered the kingdom in a scant span of only a few years, managed to slay the king, and transformed his holy being into an undead monstrosity.  For this, the cosmic poultry-goddess, B'gokk (whom the Evil served) showered them with power and fowl rewards.  

The Prime Evil then used their power to conquer not just other kingdoms, but dimensions: by uniting slivers of worlds that they conquered, an edifice of evil fitting their majesty was formed.  Constructed from sections of these worlds into 'blocks', overseen by the Prime Evil's lieutenants, these collections of dimensional layers make up the Inverse Tower, the name given to the structure, and from the Tower the Prime Evil and their forces march throughout the multiverse.  It seemed as though the power of the Prime Evil would be unstoppable - and plenty had tried - until…

At some point, the Tower was complete, and whole swaths of other worlds conquered; the Prime Evil had reached victory over all forces arrayed against them.  Their elevation to master of evil was nigh - and on their birthday, no less!  But like all chickens, even those of a great and terrible cosmic origin, the Prime Evil's came to roost.  The Prime Evil was an outrageously horrible person, even to their minions, and that lack of respect always comes back to stab you in the this case, quite literally.  While eating the first bite of the first piece of birthday cake (the largest and tastiest, of course) the Prime Evil could not see the enchanted knife that sank into their back and slew them on the spot.  No buttercream savored, no chocolate bliss.  Only oblivion.  The Prime Evil was dead, and another would step up to take their place.

Or that was the theory.

Years ago, however, the Prime Evil had mastered the magics of necromancy independently of the rewards given them by Dread B'gokk.  When the dagger struck them down, it slew the body, but not the soul, which hovered over its mortal coil even as it was carried up to the topmost layer of the Tower and tossed out to be interred in the cemetery meant for the hapless adventurers and other enemies to the wicked order slain while attacking the Tower itself.  An ignoble end, were it not for magic: the Prime Evil was resurrected some time after their death, now in the form of an immortal lich - not nearly so powerful as they had been in life, but with the capacity for so much more.  After all, what remains to be worried about when death has already been defeated?

Having risen again, the Prime Evil has found themselves with a single ally: Madame Gravekeeper, the unspeakably old (and dubiously sane) caretaker of the cemetery.  With her help at the outset, and with a core of white-hot rage seething inside of them, the Prime Evil is now set to take their revenge against those that betrayed them.  Ignorant of the betrayal of their patron, the Prime Evil seeks to ingratiate themselves with B'gokk as they retake what's theirs and become the…Primest…Evil.  Because when you think about it, evil never has to worry about grammar.